I'm off theme and unfortunately I'm going to bore you with more photos of Piper. I can't believe how much she has grown in just a month. Just so you know Jack Russell's are extremely smart. This pup knows how to sit, down stay (during our whole meal), go to bed when told, rollover, down, out, go outside . . . we're still working on the come when we are outside LOL! She gets easily distracted and uses her selective hearing during those calls. But all in all, I am extremely happy with our choice of breed. I heard so many horror stories and got so many reactions when I said what breed we were getting. We must have been lucky because she is nothing like the typical Jack Russell stereotype!
My DH and I took her for a walk through the field next to our house. She has to jump the whole time because she is a shorty. I know I blew out the white, it's tough shooting white in full sun especially when she was bounding through the field.

Sorry for the big share but I did want to document her 3 months ;)
Wish her a happy 3 month Birthday for me. Great pictures. I don't know which one is my fav.
those are great..i love the one with her biting the dandylions!! and the one with the legs in it really shows her size. i love how small she is.
Oh, I love that one where she is running away into the field of yellow! It's so beautiful.
Awwww - she is so cute!! Love her in the field of flowers!!
Oh my she is so cute. I love that field! I think you did a great job sharing her personality.
she is just so cute! i love all her expressions and animation. jacks are such a neat breed--glad to hear you got a good one. my brother has one and its a terror!
OH how adorable! I love the one with your DHs legs as well. Puts some scale into the pic and the blue is great against all the yellow and white.
She is beautiful!!!
You're right...it's nearly impossible not to blow whites in full sun!!
These are so fun and bright! She sure is a cutie!
She is cute. I love all the yellow around her. Poor thing hacking away with the pollen.
I want her!! So cute, and great shots. My dog is always hacking when he runs around--I love to try to get shots of it too.
Such a darling little dog. That yellow really makes the white pop.
That is one beautiful field. I love the bright colour in these shots.
Oh my word! She is so beautiful and CUTE! I cannot get over the ones of her running through the dandelions. I just love it.
I love 2 and 5 they a 3D look to them like in 5 he jumping off the photo. Cute
Awww these are so cute! Ilove these. You have to get the one with your dh's legs printed. It is too perfect.
She is so cute!!! Love the shots of her bounding through the field!
I love all the shots - you are right the one with your dh's legs is great
She is absolutely ADORABLE! This is the kind of dog I would want, I am not much one for the BIG dogs (though we have a HUGE white lab!). Happy 3 month bday to her!
Love the one of Piper walking away from the camera, and she really has grown since you first introduced her to us! (LOL about "dog-hater!"
great photos! what a fun field for a photo shoot! (I did get your comment - thanks! I have comment moderation on, so they don't show up right away.)
these shots of her are too cute how funny she is scared to take a drink
Beautiful PICS!!!!! Love them!!! I hope I can find some place pretty like this to get some shots of our little JRT
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