We have to multi-task every night. While Schyler works out on the elliptical, I clean-up from dinner and get her spelling words ready for her to pratice.

When she's done working out, it's my turn. While I'm working out, Schyler reads to me out loud. She has to read every night in order to improve so this way she's reading, while I'm getting some exercise. So we both get something done together that we both need! Schyler likes to do it this way because she gets to hang out with me while I'm exercising and she thinks she's making time go by faster for me by reading to me. LOL!

This room is really small and the only lens I have that's small enough with a decent aperture was my 50mm. I also used my speedlight with these. Feel free to cc anything you see. I know my composition isn't the greatest due to the space issues. I really need to get a wide angle lens for indoors.
These look good to me!
What a cool idea! I love that yall get quality time in doing something that could otherwise be pretty boring!
I really like that 1st one of her...and good for both of you for getting that work out in...I love the elliptical :)
This is such a cute idea! ITs great bonding time with the two of you too!
These are great! What a nice post.
What great bonding time to capture. I really like your conversion.
Those are wonderful and I love your routine with your daughter!!! I may have to try this!
What a neat idea! I am ALL ABOUT multi-taking! Maybe I can start getting Devin to spell his words to me while I run on the treadmill- you've inspired me!
Love the b&w here!
I love the way you make sure you exercise, do homework and spend time with your daughter all at the same time! I see she's reading Junie B. Jones. I love those books! Hilarious! One of my favorites is Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy!
I cant wait for those moments.
How sweet that she wants to hang out with you! My favorite is the first one.
THAT is a great idea with the exercise and reading...killing two birds with one stone. Your BnW shots look great and I don't think i would have guessed you used your flash, way to go.
We moms have to be the best at multi-taking, don't we? Emily loves the Junie B. books too. Thanks for sharing.
You're doing well with the speedlight. The contrast is great.
Wish I had an exercise buddy!
The lighting and conversion look so great to me. And I LOVE Junie B. Jones!
These look really good. I love the first one.
Here's to the queen of multi-tasking.
way to find time together! What a great idea. I also think that these turned out really nice, especially if you are crunched for room.
What a great way to spend time together.
Sounds like you guys had a nice evening!
What a great way to document your evening ritual.
Great pictures. What an efficent househould you run! Good ideas:)
You guys are so committed. What a great idea. I can't wait to here more about your training.
Sounds like you both have a good routine worked out. I like the composition of these, I think you've worked really well with the space you have - great job!
what a fun way to get stuff done! I like the middle one, where you can see how she curls up!
You are such an inspiration what good ideas
Sounds like a plan!! Love it! Great pics.
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