I was actually practising using my speedlight. Then I realized I was on theme :) She has a lot of pink in her room and she was wearing pink so I got a color cast on her face. I posted most of them in B&W but I did add one in color for cc on my flash use. I think I should have turned it down a little, but I don't know anything about flash so if you have cc please give it!

Nikon D70s ISO1000 SS1/30 f/2.5 I had the flash set at +1/3EV
Great pictures! love the B/W
I love your black and whites! Very awesome. She does look like she is studying so hard. I don't know where I would be without spell check. God bless her!
You did a great job on these! Oh now have to get my dd to practice her spelling words!
Great black and whites!!
Just wanted to say that I love your BLog Banner photo!
These are so cute of your little gal...and I just also wanted to say that I LOVE her quilt she is laying on! The colors are beautiful! Speaking of spelling...I am going backwards...Iused to be good, in fact, a great speller...now the older I get, the worse I get at spelling!! My dictionary is always open (although most of time I'm too lazy to look something up and will just 'chance' it!!
Very nice! Yes, a lot of color there, the B&W conversions are perfect.
The second to the last shot is my favorite here.
i like the b&w's great job!
Your light looks good to me- although the third one looks like maybe a little blown in the face- hard to tell in BnW.
I think the last one has the most depth. Don't know if your settings were different, or is your pping was, but it looks pretty dead on to me.
I think however you diffuse/bounced worked well- most of the shots have NO noticeable shadows or hotspots. Good job!
So, to follow on the previous poster's comments (and to learn), is the point of external flash to get no hot spots (blown out white areas) and no shadows? Your daughter was a cooperative sport, and I'm assuming she was wearing the words???? Or it was her spelling words? (Both count!) Very nice photos, and I really like the B&Ws.
awesome photos and i really really like them in b/w!
These are great!
Great black n whites, lovely shots!! Great captures.
I used to be a GREAT speller before I relied on the computer. Good for her for working so hard! I like your take on the theme here.
I like the b/w!!
I like the wider crop of #3--gives some breathing room around her. Your b&w look good!
those are so cute..i love the black and white..i love her bedspread..so cute.
I like all of those, you did really well! I'm working on flash too, so I don't know enough to cc.
Love the B&W. I like these shots a lot. Great way to capture her studying!
Nice shot and I like the b/w conversion
I really like the black and white. i think the last one is my favorite - love the closer composition.
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