Here's a sure sign of Spring. . . muddy running sneakers! Finally was able to get out on the roads and get a few miles in. DD went with me too. The plan is for her to run in a few 5K races with me. She can handle a mile, no problem, but today we ran 2 and she had a little bit of trouble getting back. I think she did great though considering she's only 9 and it's her first year. She just needs to learn to pace herself instead of worrying about beating mom!

Had to try out one of Leah's textures - I can't wait to get out and shoot more so I can play with these.

I like the color version of this one with the field in the background for some reason.

Nikon D70s - 50mm - ISO 200 1/1250 f2.8
i LOVE the 2nd one!
You GO girl! And how awesome that your dd shares in your interests like this!
I love that texture...:)
Love these all...I want to get into god enough shape so that I can take up running...
I like the third one with the horizon there. Makes you feel like those shoes have places to go!
I like the B&W, but the third one with the color is my favorite. The warm color of the field really balances the blue in the shoes. Those mud ridges are awesome.
Cool, I really like that second shot. I am glad you were able to get out also...
That second one is my favortie. These textures are soo cool looking!
wow, proud of you! Wish I could do the same.
Yes, I like that third one, too. That's great for your daughter!! Good training for life, too.
how inspiring...i soooo need to start running!!! :)
these are great. I really like the second one and that's such an awesome thing for you guys to run together. I hope my dd and I do that kinda stuff together.
Wow those are great! How great that your daughter shares your interest!
I love the shoes next to the muddy tire track. And I SO wish I was a good jogger. Heck, I wish I was a good exercising at all! :P I think it's awesome that you and your dd share such a great activity!! (Sorry. . . I spelled a word wrong and had to delete my previous post. It just looked weird! lol)
Those are fun. Good subject idea.
I looooove that second shot! The texture and BnW so work with it. You rocked a pic of sneakers, go girl!
Great shots - I am impressed at you dedication to your running.
I need to get my rear back into running again! You've inspired me! :)
Great shots, I use to run when I was in school but now....well not so much only after my 2yr
I can't wait for my shoes to look like that. As soon as all this ice melts on the road I am so ditching my buddy the treadmill! Its so great that you were able to get out and I love Leah's texture.
Love all of these! Good for you and DD.
You are inspiring me to continue training!! Wish I could run - love seeing joggers!!! And how great that you and your daughter run together!!
I like the 2nd one as well!
I love the textured shot! I can't run for anything lol so your daughter is doing great at 9.
Great shots! Love the composition of the last one!! I'm amazed your daughter can run that far... I think I would die if I had to do that right now! That's so neat that you run together!
They're all great. i do love it with the texture though
These are absolutely wonderful shots! I really love that last one -- love the field in the background. My son and I do 5Ks together, too. He's way faster than me. (He's 15) I always feel good just to cross the finish line!
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