Spring, huh. . .yeah, that's funny. No Spring here! The only signs of spring here are man made. My DH has quite the green thumb. He can produce massive beef steak tomatoes, x-large green, yellow and red peppers. Last year he successfully grew brussell sprouts. Due to the fact that he has been out of work with a back injury since October and it has been a very long winter, he decided to start growing early this year. Within 2 weeks, this is what he's got so far. These litterly grew overnight. . . one day nothing, the next day bam!

I just have to say that Broadband is a wonderful thing! This post took 2 minutes to load - amazing! Dial-up is history!
Looks like your garden will be rockin once spring gets to you.
Neat shot, love the sprouts!
that is great...spring is slow to get here also...
Good for you! If the weather won't cooperate, that doesn't have to stop you!
Oh sweet! our little sprouts are springing up too! My son is so excited
I love these! There's something really satisfying about growing your own foods in the garden. I can't wait till we can start here, but your husband is really wise to get a head start in-doors.
Very nice start on the garden. Broadband is the way to go.
Very nice shots Melissa. I love vegetables!
We are just planning our garden for this year, I can't wait to get my hands dirty and watch my little plants grow.
Love the DOF in the first shot. The subject of this post is just exactly what is needed to prove that Spring really will show up.
Congrats on getting DSL, I can't even imagine using dial-up ever again! Neat shots of what will be some awesome veggies!
Wow, I would love to have a garden again! It's so nice to plant fresh herbs and vegetables! Love your pictures too.... at least you have spring indoors!
So cute! I love watching them lean toward the sun.
Wow - how cool that he does this! Great shots. Isn't it nice to see some green - even if it is manmade?
I wish I could do that. I would love to be a gardener, it's just not for me.
What neat little sprouts! I'm glad your dh has found something to do while he is off work, I'm sorry to hear about his back- that is no fun at all!
wow! that sure is a green thumb. how great to have a hubby who gardens. enjoy your bounty.
Love those shots. I'm always impressed with people who can grow things...I'm a horrible gardnener. Hats off to your hubby!
Nice start! Amazing how determined Nature is, once it gets going. Nice DOF here.
Good luck on the garden. there are some days I dream about having a garden.
These are such a welcome site. I love to see those little sprouts. I can't wait to see the results this summer!
Those are awesome, I can't grow anything. Congrats on getting rid of dial-up!!!
awesome! I have some of those sitting in my window. Someday spring will come!
Love your sprouts.
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