Friday, August 24, 2007

Did 38 really do this to me?

Well it's now been 2 days after my birthday and I believe my melt down is over! As the date was approaching, I felt fine. I got up on the 22nd and just seemed like a normal day. Then BAM! The day just seemed to turn into one of those feel sorry for me days. I don't feel old, I'm told I don't look it either but man I was not a happy camper on my birthday. All my friends and family called me all day long to wish me a happy birthday. Even my favorite cousin (well I have 2) called me who I haven't seen or spoke to in a year probably. . . he put a smile on my face though :) Hopefully this isn't a sign of what is to come when I hit 40 because I might just need to be committed by then LOL!

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