Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Golly Miss Molly

This is the new addition to my parents' household. This is Miss Molly. She's a Shihtzu (not sure if that's spelled correctly or not). I can't believe how little she is. The first day she was home she was so scared. She would crawl behind furniture and hide there. By the next day she was running around outside, picking up pine cones and chasing after us and Piper. She's been doing very well with her potty training which really surprises me because she is only 6 weeks old.

She's hiding on me. She really does seem a little more advanced than most puppies I've seen.

I think Piper was a little offended that she had her ball, hehehe. She's so jealous of the puppy

Monday, March 15, 2010

Catching up

I LOVE this picture! I'm dissappointed that my background wasn't so appealing but I guess that's what snapshots are all about. My heart just melted when I saw her expression while looking up at Schyler. I grabbed a couple of these books for Peyton because they had such bright colors. Whenever she visits, we always give them to her and she loves to look at them.

Her daddy throws her around in the air and she giggles. You can see here how much she loves it. Hard to get a big grin shot with the full fist in her mouth lol!

I love this! Wish I could have got a better shot of it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Some Sumo Fun!

I've been hearing so many good things about the new Japanese Restaurant and thought it would be so much fun to go there for Mike's birthday. So I let the kids know what time to meet us and they surprised him. He didn't seem too thrilled with the restaurant of choice but was surprised that the kids came.

They start us off with soup and salad after they take our orders. Once the orders are placed, the chef shows up to start the show. He started by singing and tossing his utensils around. Then gets everyone clapping.

Then it's time for sockey while the food is cooking. He would squirt it right in your mouth. While he was doing it to the girls, he would say "sockey make you sexy". Everyone got a kick out of that.

Even the birthday boy downed some sockey.

This was so cool. He stacked all the onions on top of each other. Then lit it and the flames came flying out of the onion just like a volcano. After the fire died down, it still had a lot of steam forcing up through it too.

He even started tossing broccoli for everyone to catch in their mouth. Shauna made a nice catch here!

Schyler wouldn't try to catch any of the broccoli. Everyone was trying to convince her. The cook even started singing...."come on you can do it, do it right" was so funny! You can see that Kayla is giving her the "why not?" look here.

Some of the delicious food that was served. The rice was amazing and the steak was awesome.

and here's our whole gang except our sweet baby Peyton

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snowboarding can be fishy ;)

Schyler is in ski club at school and goes every Friday after school. When we're home, she likes to snowboard. It takes 1/2 hour of preparation time...getting all her gear on, me getting dressed, getting my camera out and deciding on lenses and then getting the dog on her leash...then we're off. We walk up the hill and I usually let Piper lose so she can sniff every square foot of field space there is.

After a few runs (the snow really wasn't that great), I wanted to take some close shots. This is what I hear, "why can't I just have fun snowboarding without the camera in my face"? Me: "why can't I have fun too while I stand out here freezing watching you snowboard"? Dead silence. Must be she figured that has to be a fair trade off.

I brought my fisheye along. I haven't really felt the love for that lens yet but I really like how these turned out.

I wanted to play with this one and see what I could do. I sponged, dodged, and burned this one a lot.

I recently bought some of Nichole Van's vintage actions & textures. I tried one out. This is the hand painted vintage with a texture. Not sure if I like the blue but it kind of made me think of the movie Call of the Wild LOL!