Sunday, March 4, 2007

Snowshoe lesson . . .

. . . I borrowed my sister's snowshoes so SMJ & I could go snowshoeing. She has been doing this at school so she was so excited to get mom to do it with her. So she put my shoes on for me and gave me a few instructions on what to do LOL! When we got out back and were walking by the trees she said, "this is where you have to be careful you don't want an eye to fall out" LOL! I just about pee'd my pants. We walked down the tracks and then crossed the creek and walked all the way up the hill. At the top the "pro" had to lie down and take a break. Mom was still ready to go. On our way back down the hill SMJ said, "mom we're sort of like bonding". I said, well I thought we bonded years ago when you were a baby. She tries to be so grown up, it's so funny.

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